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Payment Plans
Listing Rules
- All submitted sites must be in English.
- Links should be of main domain or sub-domain. No deep links are allowed.
- Directories of directories are not allowed.
- Only domain email address to be used during listing procedure.
- Social network links are allowed for Premium and Featured listings only.
- Admin will review & approve links only after email verification.
- Paid listings will get "do-follow" backlink & free listings will get "no-follow" backlink.
- Approval for paid listings will be given within 24hrs. Free listings will be approved on first-come-first-serve basis.
- 100% money will be refunded in case of non-approval of paid links.
We reserve the rights to:
- Disapprove your directory without explanation.
- Remove your directory from the lists without notification or explanation.
- Change or update your directory information without notification.
- Change our prices without notification.
- Send you e-mail updates regarding our site and the services we offer.
- Change these terms and rules without notification.